Game jam kolkata
Gaming Community News

Kolkata Enticed Global Attention in Gaming

26th June, Kolkata, West Bengal: Kolkata, a city known for its rich culture and heritage, has recently grabbed the spotlight in the world of gaming. In an unprecedented move, Red Apple Learning Pvt. Ltd., in association with the India Game Developer Conference (IGDC) and Scope Gaming Community, has organized the first-ever game jam in the city. This event marks a significant milestone in the Indian gaming industry, opening up new avenues for local talent and drawing global attention to Kolkata’s emerging role in this dynamic field.

Gaming has evolved beyond just entertainment; it’s now a booming industry with endless opportunities for innovation, creativity, and career growth. Recognizing this potential, Red Apple Learning Pvt. Ltd. has joined forces with the IGDC and Scope Gaming Community to create a platform that celebrates and nurtures gaming talent. The upcoming game jam, set to take place online from 28th June to 30th June 2024, is a 48-hour event designed for aspiring game developers and designers to showcase their skills. In addition to that, participants in this exciting competition have the chance to win prestigious prizes, including free tickets to the India Game Developer Conference (IGDC) in Hyderabad, winner and participation certificates from IGDC, and valuable internship opportunities with some of India’s leading gaming studios.

Creating Opportunities for Young Talent

The game jam is more than just a competition; it’s an initiative aimed at empowering the youth of West Bengal. With IGDC’s extensive global experience and Red Apple’s pioneering role in advanced gaming and technology, this collaboration provides young developers with a unique opportunity to develop the skills needed to thrive in the gaming industry. The event is designed to be inclusive and accessible, encouraging participation from students who are aspiring to become a game developer or a designer.

Furthermore, Arup Roy, the founder and CEO of Red Apple, expressed his excitement about the collaboration, saying, “We are thrilled to partner with IGDC and Scope Gaming Community to bring this game jam to Kolkata. This initiative not only highlights the incredible talent we have in West Bengal but also provides a platform for our young developers to gain global exposure and build successful careers in the gaming industry.

A Year-Long Commitment to Nurturing Talent

The excitement doesn’t end with this game jam. Red Apple, IGDC, and Scope Gaming Community have announced plans to organize 20 game jam competitions throughout the year across various leading colleges of West Bengal. This sustained effort aims to keep the momentum going, continually offering young talents opportunities to learn, grow, and shine on a global stage.

These game jams will serve as incubators for creativity and innovation, helping students to refine their skills and build portfolios that can attract the attention of top gaming studios and investors. Moreover, by providing ongoing support and exposure, the initiative seeks to establish West Bengal as a key player in the Indian gaming industry.

Also Read: 2,50,000 jobs in Indian Gaming industry, says META India Head


The collaboration between Red Apple Learning and IGDC is a shining example of how local talent can be nurtured and given a platform to excel on the world stage. Moreover, as the gaming industry continues to grow, events like these are crucial in providing the next generation of developers with the tools, knowledge, and networks they need to succeed. Additionally, the game jam organized by Red Apple Learning Pvt. Ltd., IGDC, and Scope Gaming Community is a significant step forward for West Bengal and the Indian gaming industry. Thus, this game jam in Kolkata represents a commitment to fostering talent and creating opportunities for young developers, ensuring that West Bengal remains at the forefront of the global gaming revolution.


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