
The Mystery of Super Mario 64’s Unopenable Door is Finally Solved

Gamers, rejoice! A 28-year-old mystery surrounding the iconic Nintendo 64 game, Super Mario 64, has finally been cracked. The long-rumored…

2 months ago

Tax on Gaming in India to be reviewed in March: Govt Official

India will begin reviewing the tax regime that governs sales taxes for gaming companies that operate online from next month,…

5 months ago

Google’s Epic Defeat Shakes the $200 Billion App Store Industry

In a landmark legal decision that sent shockwaves through the tech world, Google suffered a major defeat at the hands…

7 months ago

Aum: Experience the Potent Wisdom of Ancient Philosophy in a Game

A Hyderabad-based Game studio treads into the mystifying realm to unlock the esoteric wisdom of  Bhagavad Gita and Vedanta for the younger…

7 months ago